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Monday 29 April 2013


Want to use twitter to benefit your business?

Finding yourself struggling with how to deploy marketing messages through social media to get fantastic results?

You are not alone.

The overwhelming majority of otherwise smart and savvy business owners have been really struggling with trying to integrate social media into their online or mobile marketing strategies. There are only about a million and one different reasons that this is true, but a handful of overreaching fundamentals that they are messing up time and time again that causes the majority of the headaches. Here they are, alongside of a handful of strategies you can use to clear them up and help you use Twitter for business much more effectively.

Not understanding exactly what Twitter is

This is easily the biggest problem that most business owners have, as they see Twitter as some sort of marketing vehicle that is completely and totally free, incredibly powerful and near instant, and has the possibility of reaching literally hundreds of millions of people all with a simple click of a button.

And while all of that information is absolutely and 100% true, the cold hard truth of the matter is that the overwhelming majority of Twitter users are not looking at the social media platform through this lens – so any marketing message built on the back of that focus is going to flop right out of the gate.

Know, people are using Twitter to contact their friends, family, and even complete and total strangers – not to mention no shortage of celebrities, athletes, or other famous personalities – to engage in casual and social conversations with them. Once you align your marketing messages with this focus – almost camouflaging your sales pitches – you’re going to unlock the floodgates that Twitter offers.

Not focusing on building credibility with real content

Too many people suffer from the “If I build it, they will come” mindset when it comes to Twitter. And while this works fantastically for baseball diamonds built out of cornfields in Iowa, it just doesn’t work in the world of social media.

No, you’ll need to focus on carving out a very specific and credible personality on twitter with the
content in tweets that you post on a regular basis if you’re going to have any success at all. Remember that you are just one voice in a collection of almost half 1 billion other users, and people have smaller and smaller attention spans than at any point in history. You’re going to really need to rise above the clutter and noise just to earn a handful of seconds of their attention, and won’t be able to if you’re scattered all over the place with your messages.

Build real credibility with the engaging and interesting content – specifically targeted towards your hot prospects or ideal market – and you should be able to reap the benefits that Twitter has to offer. Until you understand this absolutely fundamental essential of using Twitter for business, you’re going to really struggle just like everyone else.


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Author: The Social Yeti
The Social Yeti is a happily married father of four. He helps businesses learn how to use social media to engage with their customers and increase their online presence. He's no Guru, but enjoys spending time in his cave, playing around with social media.Twitter, Facebook or Google+