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Friday, 3 May 2013


Are you using Facebook as a lead generation tool?

While the feeding frenzy that was the social media marketing craze is starting to ebb a little bit right now, the fact of the matter is that smart and savvy business owners can tap directly into the leverage that Facebook offers to create truly stunning results and profits.

Hands down the most popular social media network on the face of the planet – with just under 1 billion unique user accounts and counting right now – you will have access not only to the sheer volume of people who use Facebook each and every single day, but also an almost endless amount of targeted marketing data that you can tap into in an effort to really fine tune your marketing messages and boost conversion rates in the process.

Here are a handful of essentials to make sure that you are using Facebook to the rest of your abilities.

Create a detailed customer avatar before you even begin ad placement on the Facebook platform

Maybe one of the biggest separators between effective marketers and also-rans, creating a detailed customer avatar can boost your marketing effectiveness through the roof.

Essentially a breakdown of all of the different criteria that your ideal customer embodies – the person who will most likely lead that the chance to take you up on all of your marketing efforts and advertisements with very little persuasion necessary – your customer avatar will help you pick exactly which details you should be focusing on when you’re targeting your Facebook ads. Because of their unique ability to collect almost endless amounts of data and information – and make that insider information available to you when you decide to advertise on their platform – this is really the keys to the castle of making Facebook marketing work for you.

Create multi step marketing campaigns with Facebook as the lead generator

This is the other real essential tactic and strategy that you can and should employ when trying to boost your business through Facebook. While there is certainly no shortage of businesses that are enjoying incredible results with one time offers or direct sale messages through the Facebook advertising marketplace, you’ll be able to enjoy a ridiculously higher conversion rate – as well as more flexibility to influence and persuade your new prospects – if you are able to push them deeper into your sales funnel.

This means that you should look to use Facebook as a lead generation tool, a means to get them into your other web properties or marketing messages in an effort to turn them into hotter and hotter prospects and eventually paying customers.

This multi-step approach is one of the oldest ways of making the most out of each and every marketing vehicle a smart and savvy business owner like yourself could use, and it doesn’t have the same kind of churn and burn aspects that a one-off sale or direct pitch has. You’ll be able to cultivate a real relationship, create serious affinity, and establish total expert status if you use Facebook as a lead generation tool rather than a direct marketing vehicle.


  • Facebook
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  • Myspace
  • Google Buzz
  • Reddit
  • Stumnleupon
  • Delicious
  • Digg
  • Technorati
Author: The Social Yeti
The Social Yeti is a happily married father of four. He helps businesses learn how to use social media to engage with their customers and increase their online presence. He's no Guru, but enjoys spending time in his cave, playing around with social media.Twitter, Facebook or Google+